If I should consider what people say around me, the truth would be that once you get older time seems to become slippery. In the sense that it goes so fast that one cannot realize it.
I am not ready yet to make resolutions for 2019, but I know one thing - I have what to thank 2018 for. And not only regarding my writing achievements.
And since a promise is a promise, I could not end this year without my dear Vlad. A kind of spur to action is what I feel while reading the following fragment from Vlad Musatescu's 'Approximate adventures':
" 'I will miss you! You can be sure of that... So there's no point in letting our goodbye making you sad... It's only temporally; listen to me for I know what I'm saying! We will never die. You, because you will become a writer, just like my brother, and I, because my surname is Vlahuta... And I have lived my life like a Vlahuta. To the fullest! By singing, loving, drinking a glass, like people should! To put it bluntly, to hell with life because that's what it was made for... Live it to the fullest, just like I have, and you will never forget me!”
Happy new year, good people! May you rejoice!