My book, The Corporation. Typologies and Survival Guide, is among the freshest economy and business books.
You can read here the article published on the site of economedia.
You can read here the article published on the site of economedia.
The launch was special too, since the public
had to work in order to receive an autograph, namely, to write with a fountain
pen on Ana’s recent book. Determined not to let people give excuses, Ana
personally handed as a gift a fountain pen to whomever did not have one. And so
they could have it at home to use it when they wish to.
A couple of days after the book launch, I opened Ana’s book and reread some of the notes there. I took the pen she gave me and wrote something down. Then, I put the book somewhere close to my desk, so that I don’t forget about writing with the fountain pen.
(Translation of the note and my
writing: I dreamed about a story, but I did not wake up to write it down. It’s
OK, I’ll find it there, where the dreams gather around. / And I will pay
special attention to them, the tricksters, since they love playing hide-and-seek
with me.
The smiling face is my Picasso-like signature, for it states that art cannot behave, especially naïve art.)
And so I was very happy to find Vlad mentioned a couple of times in this list.
Presented as a horror, the movie is more a
psychological thriller that keeps one nail-biting, while also
trying to find the answers to the questions addressed in the movie.
The two main actresses are very
convincing, and even though religion is put under scrutiny, one cannot leave
the movie theater without asking oneself – what else I believe because of marketing?