Friday, 22 November 2019

Blondes should wear blue

Surely, you know your thing when it comes to colors. Especially, if you are a woman. You’ve learned it by playing with them ever since you were little, and you’ve seen that game taking different turns watching your mom, her friends, your incredible aunt or any other role model you’ve encounter on your way.

Now, I do not have any prejudice against colors. All is possible and all can be mixed. Though, I have seasons. Yeah, I got that right. Colors take control over my wardrobe, and sometimes are even interchangeable. I’ve been having a long affair with emerald green and yellow, and even red and orange, but the greatest of them all is the one I still encourage, my love affair with the color blue.

Let me put this in perspective. When I was a toddler, I was blonde. I was a cute, curly little girl (modesty is overrated) brimming with smile. After a while, the color of my hair changed notes, and it became brown, but my father always included me on the fair-haired ladies list. And he still does.

I vividly remember him telling me, while we were shopping for clothes and were confronted with the color-dilemma, that blondes should wear blue. It fits them better. Back then, I was in high school and the issue of colors was rather an unimportant one. But still, that saying stuck with me.

Years and years after that, I colored my hair blonde. It was something I had dreamed about ever since I was a sophomore college and Shakira was in style. I just did not have the guts. Somehow, the fear of ruining one’s hair diminished and the fact that hair products continued to develop gave me a nudge.

So, here I am, again, a blonde. I wear my favorite colors, but still surprise myself with buying blue items of clothing. And the latest was a jacket, a royal-blue, as they say.
Well, one has to listen to one’s father, don’t they?!
Blondes should wear blue. Well, definitely!

Friday, 1 November 2019

The Supreme Purpose

Aren’t you tired of constantly hearing people talking about the supreme purpose?! Aren’t you tired of hearing that the supreme purpose is either one or the other, and you feel pushed up against the wall?!

The other day, I was reading a metro station banner that said that the supreme purpose in life is achieving happiness. Sure, it sounds wonderful. Just like it always sounds wonderful to hear the advice of certain, auto declared or not, experts in mindfulness. 

It’s just that it is a little difficult to put them in practice, especially for those of us who wake up every morning at the same hour, have 9 hours work schedule, to which the time that we spend in traffic to/ from office adds.
I reckon is easy when you have enough money that you can buy time (meaning you have people helping you with organizing stuff: do the shopping, cleaning and repairing the home, having a personalized plan for the health and care of your body, cleaning and ironing clothes etc.). 
This is the reason why I cannot buy visuals coming from various influencers/ stars that seem to have the key to how you can better organize your life, how to reduce stress and lead a healthier life. All this, while in the backend everything looks like in the pictures from a magazine.

Life is not, as a matter of fact, like in the pictures from a magazine. I know. We follow various people on social media and their lives seem like it. But it is not! Everything has its back side. 
You constantly see pictures from your friends or contacts showing perfect homes, perfect vacations, perfect clothes… Everything must be perfect. Otherwise, we are not satisfied.

I am far from being in the position to give advice. I am no expert in mindfulness, and my life is surely far from being perfect. And I do not wish for it to become, either. But I do have an issue with the pressure that we keep putting on ourselves or the pressure that others put on us.
No supreme purpose exists. We, instead, exist. Even though only temporarily. And we are not at all perfect and nor our existence is.

Not everything has to have a purposeful finality. The important thing is to have, as much as we can or as much as our resources let us, take good care of us, of our needs and of those of the people we care for. And we have to do that by prioritizing. We cannot do everything.
And, sometimes, we have to make something happen for our souls; something that could bring us inner happiness and joy. 
So that, in the morning, when the alarm clock rings, we could find meaning in who we are and in the efforts that we make every day.

(you will understand once you've seen the movie Seventeen)