Saturday 27 July 2024

The Greatest Surprise of the Year

Today I lived a moment similar to those at the Oscar’s. But without the glitters and gown. No pressure, I’ll be keeping the gown, who knows?!, I might need it soon.

I was watching Alexandra’s video and it knocked my socks off to hear my novel ‘The Sewing Club’ mentioned in the category The Greatest Surprise of the Year. If you want to watch the moment, you can find it starting with 4:51 from the video below.

The greatest joy of a writer is to be read. Thank you, Alexandra, for the joy you gave me by reading my novel, and the honor you made me by presenting and recommending my book to other interested readers!

And if you want to watch the video review Alexandra made to the novel, check this video below by starting with minute 3:31.

Monday 22 July 2024

Book Recommendation

In an article of the Alist magazine, my book is in a top 10 list of books to read during hot weekends. You can read the article in Romanian here.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Change in Work Environments

Somebody asked me about the spark that made me write this book. Injustice, abuse, double standard, fear, working in vain, and many more. But then I pondered on it a little bit and realized that actually it all started because I felt alone faced with the above. And because I felt alone, I mistakenly thought I was the only one that did not abide the general rule, that I was a misfit, and the only one that did not accept or was indignant about certain behaviors or abusive situations.

Talking with people (colleagues, former colleagues, friends, family), I found out that I was not actually alone. And if this should be the only goal of this book, be it that nobody ever feels alone. This book is the voice waiting for others to join in. For nobody can do everything by themselves, and the change we so desperately need in the workplace can only happen if we are many to claim it. And all the stories in the book (from going to interviews, from getting hired, resigning or dismissal) are our stories.

For certain typologies, I have also included some ways to stand your ground because sometimes the way we act to certain behaviors can protect us from negativity, lack of responsibility or even harassment.

And why should I read this book, you may wonder, aren’t there enough crazy people at my workplace already?! Now, I’m supposed to take them with me during my quiet moment of reading?

Well, you should read this book because the sad thing is that you have already brought them into your life, your home, and they have already ruined your peace of mind. Also, they are the ones responsible for you quivering with stress. By reading this book you’ll be able to recognize them and to classify them by typologies, since nothing can be fixed unless it’s defined first.

Read the book and talk about it with your colleagues, friends, and family. Talking about it means finding solutions, and solutions will bring change. And we do need change in the workplace, in general. Only together we can create positive work environments!

Friday 31 May 2024

Thank you!

A heartfelt thank you to those that came at my book launch at the Bookfest Book Fair, but also to those that could not make it but sent me all their support and congratulations!