Friday 5 April 2019

About us

I am fond of colors. My living years are divided into small periods of the reign of a certain color upon my wardrobe, but also my living space. Now, a small war of domination is fought among yellow, light blue and emerald green. And I am not ashamed by it. It is my relationship with life, and I express it through different colors. Still, I find myself amused by the fact of discovering through my things minimum two items of clothing of the same color. As if I had bought them in order to verify my love for that color or maybe to check upon my attention towards the things I buy.

If one strolls through Bucharest, one might realize that people living here also love colors. Check the embellishments of the fences, the golden gilt to the mane of grey lions, the roofs, the form and the writing on the mail boxes, the entrance mats, the sound of the doorbell  and so on and so forth. Bucharest is a varicolored city. We have banners almost everywhere, and the shops mesmerize us with offers and intriguing slogans.

While passing in front of an open market, one realizes that the hum of the people there does also belong to the coloring of the city. Accents, dialects, archaisms, they all fly over them like those colored powders they cast to the sky during the summer at the seaside in order to create a colorful rainbow-like memory. One slows down one’s pace and enjoys such diversity. One looks at the faces of the people. Some of them are truly happy to talk, to share, to listen, and to get the chance to speak once more. It is true what they say about going to the market; that is not all about shopping, but about socializing, about showing signs of life, of living experiences and sharing them with the others.

Yesterday, I was passing by such a scenery, enjoying the color palette when from the window of a shop a simple piece of paper, in A4 format, written in blue ink caught my attention: ‘We have oilcloth!’. It was inviting one to enter the shop, to request it and thus have different colors that could mix with the ones one already has inside oneself and inside one’s house.

From time to time, I am questioned about us. The pause that I make before answering the questions appears not because of not knowing what to say, but by trying to understand what type of answer is the one asking really looks forward to. About us, about Romanians, there is a lot to tell. But one thing is for sure. We love colors. Some of them we manage to mix in an aesthetic manner, but others not so much. And this happens because, somehow, aesthetics does not come first on our requests. The importance is carried by the color and its message.

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