Friday 20 August 2021



When I was a kid, we spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my family. There we had the radio, there the light was better and so my father could sew and patch the things he worked on, there we made the tea and the planning for meals. It was the perfect room. A rather small room, but comfy enough for us to do our things and get together to share the events of the day.

In the kitchen there was also a bed, and I remember my mom trying to convince me to take an afternoon nap while I was in primary school. Somehow, I never managed to fall asleep and often would wake her from her nap because I was constantly fidgeting. Now, I understand and embrace the afternoon nap; but I reckon that happens with almost everyone.

I remember gazing out the window, and no view was better in all the apartment than the one from the kitchen. And I remember the clouds. Those fluffy white things that changed their forms by the second. I guess clouds are responsible for my first daydreaming experiences.

Now, whenever I am paying attention to the sky and notice clouds, it somehow redirects me to the feeling I had as a child. That absolute wonder in front of things so beautiful but transient.

And, in a way, every time I watch their beautiful passing in the sky, I also get a feeling of vacation, of freedom and warmth. We don’t have to wait for a certain date or time in the week to treat ourselves like on vacation; we could enjoy a moment of sheer peacefulness just by looking up in the sky.

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