Thursday 20 January 2022

Drinks enjoyed by writers

Everybody knows that I enjoy drinking tea and coffee (if you can call coffee milk with a couple of coffee drops). But when it gets cold outside, I also enjoy drinking wine, red wine that is.

Ever since the pandemic started and we could not leave the country so often, I ran out of moments when I had to prove that I am not underaged and that I can drink alcohol. So there are advantages to this situation, too.

And since I came to you with a list of recommendations on what books to read, I thought about also coming with a list of red wines that I enjoy. In order for you to understand the list below, I must also add that I love wines that have an aftertaste, and not those that broom you with alcohol intensity and perfume at the beginning. I am far from being a wine expert, but quoting my husband here – establishing whether a wine is good or not makes one an expert. So, see below the list.


Emilia Barbera Decanta 68.2

Yeah, I know what you will say. We have the same name so it must be good. But it is. I have discovered it two years ago and I cannot get enough of it. The bottle looking like a gear lever really made an impression.


Renatus – Vinuri de Macin

I discovered this wine during a winter night spent in my hometown Tulcea. We matched it with laughter and party shouts, and I loved it so much that I must recommend it to others. Yes, I know what you will say. I can’t be objective about this wine either for it is from my home region. Don’t worry, it is not the only one I can recommend.


Crama Darie – Strabun

It is exactly what one needs after a long day (well, only that during winters there is no such thing as a long day, only long ears – an those caused by others). You can almost hear the crivetz blowing.


Rara Neagra Saperavi – Domeniile Davidescu

Another wine that I discovered two years ago and still am amazed about it. It has such a charming and creamy aftertaste.

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