Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Words of Wisdom

For some time now, I have been indulging myself in reading this book, trying not to hurry things up and make sure I grasp all the meanings.

So today I made a stop, when I got to these three sayings:

Those things that are present should not be looked at as having less value than those that are absent. Instead, one must consider the fact that even these things that are present now were once coveted.

Nature is weak when it comes to evil, not good. But it is true that pleasures keep it alive, while pains destroy it.

A sane man will neither hurt himself nor another person.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Men of Deeds (2022)

At the end of the movie ‚Men of Deeds’, one starts to ponder of one has grasped all the symbols and their meanings. One thing is for sure, the movie starts and ends with a hen in close-up which means a lot of things, but the most important of them all is the innocence and courage to fight for it.

When, at the end, Ilie, played wonderfully by Iulian Postelnicu, enters into the water, I remembered the scene in the movie where he tells a story to a child about the dead people. 

The disquietude that Ilie feels is beautifully presented as he finds out that the things and people from the village he has been working in as head of police station for more than twenty years are different than what be believed. I think that it is not the violence that Ilie witnesses the main trigger to his change of heart, but the way he positions himself towards the world. And there are a couple of moments in the movie where we get to see who Ilie is, aside from a policeman, and thus vulnerable and human.

Black humour makes the story even more believable, while at the same time potentiating the gravity of the situation. The courage is also a type of character because it appears from time to time trying to assert itself.

Go watch ‚Men of Deeds’, believe me.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

My Nephew Has Joined a Choir

Yesterday, my nephew told me that he joined a choir and I was so joyful I could not speak for a moment. But I got myself together and told him that wherever he would perform, I’m there (to root for him, not sing ... yet).

‘But you, Eme, never asked me to be there when you performed?!’, my nephew told me.

And then I pondered over it a little, which sometimes happens when my nephew utters things one needs to mull over. And so I started thinking, what if my nephew is right ... how late can it be for me to join a choir?!

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Theatre – Sidonia Drăgușanu

These five plays written by Sidonia Drăgușanu have a discreet but enchanting charm.

The situations and characters presented within these plays are universal, but the witty voice of the author giving scene guidelines makes the reading really intense.

The characters run around and interact in a way that proves that Sidonia Drăgușanu was a connoisseur of the human spectacle with all its good and bad parts. Even though the plays in this book are presented as comedies, tiny stitches of sadness and inquietude can be noticed once in a while, inviting the reader to ponder upon things.

Here below is a paragraph from the play “The Game of Truth”:


Mister Elefterescu (wandering around the room): You keep insisting on the truth. The truth! Well, it more hinders things than makes them easier. Why did I listen to you?!

Valeriu (humorously): Why did I listen to you?! It serves me well! It’s been some time now since I realized that it is better not to give advice, even if one seeks it from one. But I do not know how I do this and constantly find myself overriding my own opinion!