Friday 8 February 2019

Top 12 Stupid Things

“Even from a young age, we are forced to do so many stupid things, thinking they are essential.”
So let’s, starting from today, not do them anymore.

I read this line in a book and it got my thinking. So much that I started making a list of them:
- Not to stop a discussion even when the tone of the person speaking to you is obviously taunting.
- To believe everything you are told without even trying to see for yourself if the situation/ person presents to you in the same way
- To insist on giving proof of being good/ serious/ organized/ motivated to a person who has already made up their mind about you being a lesser person
- To listen on-and-on to monologues on your mobile, when you are allowed to speak for only 5 minutes
- To answer to calls on your mobile, day and night and night and day, as if it is a chip under your skin and people would see and judge you for not answering them
- To let yourself be blackmailed with others’ expectations on you
- Not to stand your ground when someone is constantly attacking you, for fear of being seen as aggressive
- To do certain things only because everyone around you does it
- Not to take personal time, for fear of being seen as selfish
- To lie to yourself that you will get to love something that is totally indifferent to you
- Not to declaim against abuse, for fear of being seen as pretentious
- To be ashamed of your ambitions

What about you? What is on your list?

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