Friday 27 November 2020

Two good things

A couple of days ago, I was talking about the year that is slowly coming to an end. I focused on the positive things, a manufacturing flaw.


I like the fact that I can make the queue at a store without being jostled by a buyer behind me. Well, this custom has not totally vanished because I still see people doing it, and even though they wear masks, insist on leaving no personal space between you and them for fear of people cutting in front of them. There was a time when I believed this was a reminiscence of making the queue during the Communist era, but it is not. I see there are also young people doing it, and they look far younger to even have been born on the days of the Revolution (end of December 1989).


I have time. Yes, you have read it correctly. The two hours spent on the way to and back from the office have been given to me. Thus, in a working week, I can do what my heart desires with ten hours. I’ve been given the gift of time, as Ross would say.

Let’s also think happy thoughts!

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