Friday 10 July 2020

What my father taught me

(Photo credit: Pablo Merchan Montes - Unsplash)

You remember me telling you about the reason why blondes should wear blue, don’t you? Well, this is from the same series.
My father is a sweet tooth man. The apple does not fall far from the tree, as they say. So I am a sweet tooth myself. When I was small, I liked the fact that he insisted on having us eat something sweet after the meals. At a certain point, I realized that the other members of the family were not that into sweets, but I carried on enjoying the treat. 
Soon after that, I made another realization that when people with different interest come together, in order to have what one wants, one has to come up with excuses (it makes you think of the people in your life doing the same thing, doesn’t it?!). So my father, being the sweet tooth that he is, had to come up with an excuse. He had to make the sweet treat seem necessary. So he did. Or, let’s say, the explanation floated. Maybe, for a while, come to think of it.
He said that we have to eat something sweet after our meals so that reactions are made in our belly and thus the digestion will go smoother.
Well, I never shy away from being a sweet tooth woman. But whenever I meet someone that feels ashamed for craving sweets, I tell them about my father’s recommendation. Some of us feel guilty about their cravings and some not. The whole idea of cravings is that, from time to time, we have to endulge in them. It’s a tough thing dealing with guilt so any reasoning would do in order to enjoy them.

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