Sunday 28 June 2020

Two minutes meditation session

(Copyright: Unsplash)

I read the inspiring book ‘The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything’ by Neil Pasricha.
I recommend it with all my heart for it teaches how to take control of one's happiness levels, my special favorite - the importance of disconnecting, and the two minutes meditation session.

Well, I’m a rookie when it comes to meditation, but I really wanted to try and see how it would feel for just two minutes (usually, I can't hold still and my mind wanders, hence my issues with being able to meditate). And so I did. For all of you out there, experiencing the same concentration issues when it comes to meditation, this is for you:
  1. Prior to your mediation session, pick a dear memory (it can be from your childhood, a vacation, anything you like).
  2. Lift your head from the computer, smartphone or any other device.
  3. Get close to a window and focus your eyes on a distant thing (a building, a tree, etc.).
  4. Now, picture that memory.
  5. If you should have noise around you, don’t waste energy in trying to block it. Just accept it is there, and try to build on that. (After a while, no noise could bother you).
  6. Try and remember the feelings you had while playing that specific memory in your head.
  7. Don’t try to keep the time. Sometimes it may last less or sometimes more than two minutes. That’s OK, either way.
  8. Come back to where you left things. You feel relaxed, don’t you?!

Now, if you are at a loss regarding what memory to pick, don’t be fussy. Try a few of them and see what works for you.
Maybe because it’s summer, for me is the white T-shirt memory. I was around 11 years old and I had just received a white T-shirt (so that you can grasp the importance of the white T-shirt, I almost never dressed in white as a child because I would always get my clothes dirty) with a girl with long brown hair and a big dog with strawberry-blonde hair.
I loved that T-shirt and wore it so much that it did not strike me as odd when I tried to think of a memory and this came up in my mind. So whenever I try this two minutes meditation session, I remember me wearing it, the smell of cherries, the hot sun, the pungent smell of dust just after the first drops of summer rain and … oh, right, absolutely no worries.

Have a good one, folks!

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